What is Java Control Statements?
Java control statements are fundamental constructs that manage the flow of execution in a Java program. These statements allow you to control the order in which statements are executed, based on certain conditions or repetitive tasks. Java control statements are broadly categorized into three types:
- Decision-Making Statements (Conditional Statements)
- Looping Statements (Iterative Statements)
- Jump Statements
1. Decision-Making Statements #
Decision-making statements allow a program to execute certain blocks of code based on specific conditions. Java provides the following decision-making statements:
- if Statement: Executes a block of code if the condition is true.
- if-else Statement: Executes one block of code if the condition is true, and another block if the condition is false.
- else-if Ladder: Checks multiple conditions sequentially and executes the corresponding block of code for the first condition that is true.
- Nested if statements in Java are if statements placed inside another if statement. This structure is used to check multiple conditions, where each condition is dependent on the previous one.
- switch Statement: Evaluates a variable and executes a block of code based on the matching case.
2. Looping Statements #
Looping statements are used to execute a block of code repeatedly based on a condition.
- for Loop: Executes a block of code a specific number of times.
- while Loop: Repeatedly executes a block of code as long as the condition is true.
- do-while Loop: Similar to the while loop, but the block of code is executed at least once, even if the condition is false.
3. Jump Statements #
Jump statements are used to transfer control to another part of the program.
- break Statement: Exits the current loop or switch statement.
- continue Statement: Skips the remaining code in the current iteration of a loop and proceeds with the next iteration.
- return Statement: Exits from the current method and optionally returns a value.