Selenium Java Online Course Curriculum

This course consist of selenium modules along with free manual testing course

      1. Java For Automation
      2. Selenium WebDriver 3
      3. Selenium WebDriver 4
      4. TestNG Framework
      5. Apache Maven Build Tool
      6. Hybrid Framework Training
      7. Postman API Manual Testing
      8. RestAssured API Automation Testing
      9. Git and Github
      10. DevOps & Jenkins 

Module 1 : Java For Automation

What is Java ?
What is Java used for?
Key Features of Java
Components of Java
Java Installation in Windows
Eclipse Installation in Windows
Java Installation in Mac
Eclipse Installation in Mac
First Java Program
Different ways to Execute Java Programs
How Java Code Works ?
Java Naming Conventions
What is Java Comments?
What is Variable?
Rules of Declaring Variables
What is Data Types?
Types of Data Types
What is Primitive Data Types?
Sample Program for Data Types
What is Operators ?
What is Assignment Operator?
What is Arithmetic Operator?
What is Equality and Relational Operator Operator?
What is Arithmetic Operator?
What is Conditional Operator?
What is Unary Operator?
Sample Program for Operators
Java Basic Input and Output
If ,ElseIf and Nested If Statement
Switch Statement
For Loop and Nested For Loop Statement
While Loop Statement
Do While Loop Statement
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Important Java Math Methods
Converting the String to Number data type
What is Java String ?
12 Important Java String Methods
What is Array ?
Types of Array in java
How to declare an array?
How to Initialize Arrays?
How to Access Elements of an Array?
Looping Through Array Elements
Advantages & Disadvantages of Arrays.
Important Arrays Methods
What is Exception in Java?
What is Exception Handling?
Types of Java Exceptions
Exceptions Handing using Try...Catch
Exceptions Handing using Try...Catch...Finally
What is throw keyword?
What is OOPS concept?
What is Java Object?
What is Java Class?
Java program using Instance variable
Java program using Static Variables
Java program using Local Variables
What is Java Methods?
What are the advantages of using methods?
Types of Java Methods
Use of Methods
How to create Void Methods?
How to create Methods with return value?
How to create Static Methods?
Calling methods by invoking object
Calling methods without object
What is Inheritance ?
Types of Inheritance
Why to use Inheritance?
Java Program using Single Inheritance
Java Program using Multilevel Inheritance
Java Program using Hierarchical Inheritance
Why Multiple Inheritance is not possible?
What is a Java Constructor?
Rules for creating Java constructor
Types of Java Constructor
Java Program for Default constructor
Java Program for Parameterized Constructor
What is This keyword?
Java Program using This Variable
Java Program using This Method
What is Polymorphism?
Why Polymorphism?
Java Program using Method Overloading
Java Program using Method Overriding
What is super keyword?
Uses of super keyword
Java Program using super keyword
What is Final keyword?
Java Program using Final Variable
Java Program using Final Method
Java Program using Final Class
What is Modifiers ?
Types of Modifiers
Java Program using all the four modifiers
What is Java Abstraction ?
What is Abstract Class ?
Rules for Abstract Class
Java Program using Abstract Class
What is Abstarct Method ?
Java Program using Abstract Method
What is Java Interface?
Important Points for Interface
Implementing an Interface
Extending an Interface
Advantages of Interface in Java
What is Encapsulation?
Why Encapsulation?
Java Program using data hiding
Advantage of Encapsulation
What is Apache POI used for?
How to download and setup Apache POI library?
How to read & write excel file using Java?
What is Collection in Java?
What is Collection framework?
Why Java Collection ?
Disadvantage of Collections
Hierarchy of Collection Framework
Wrapper classes in Java
What is Autoboxing?
What is Unboxing?
What is list Interface?
Sample program using Array List
What is Set Interface?
Sample program using HashSet
What is Queue Interface?
What is Map Interface?
Sample program using HashMap
What is HashTable?
Sample program using HashTable

Module 2 : Selenium WebDriver 3

Objectives of Automation Testing
When to use Automation ?
When to not use Automation ?
List of Automation tools
What is Selenium ?
Components of Selenium
What is Selenium IDE ?
How to Install Selenium IDE ?
Record sample scenario using Selenium IDE
Advantages of Selenium IDE
What is Selenium WebDriver?
List of Browser Selenium WebDriver Supports
What is Headless Browser?
List of Operating System Selenium WebDriver Supports
List of Programming Selenium WebDriver Supports
Advantages of Selenium WebDriver
Disadvantages of Selenium WebDriver
What is Selenium Grid?
What is Hub?
What is Server?
Overview of Selenium RC
History of Selenium
Pre-Requisite to Learn Selenium WebDriver
Architecture of selenium webdriver
What is WebElement?
How object identification works?
How to Inspect a Web Element in Chrome ,Edge and Firefox ???
Inspecting using Developer tools
Selenium Webdriver Setup
What is findElement method?
What is By mechanism?
What is findElement method?
What is locators ?
Practical Implementation of NAME locator
Practical Implementation of ID locator
Practical Implementation of LINK TEXT locator
Practical Implementation of PARTIAL LINK TEXT locator
Practical Implementation of XPATH locator
Practical Implementation of CSS SELECTOR locator
Practical Implementation of TAGNAME locator
Practical Implementation of CLASSNAME locator
Xpath vs CSS Selector
How to launch the URL ?
How to verify the page title ?
How to verify the current URL ?
How to verify the page Source?
How to close the application?
How to quit the application ?
Difference between Close and Quit
How to navigate to specific page?
How to activate forward button in the browser?
How to activate backward button in the browser?
How to refresh the page?
How to verify the Edit box is displayed?
How to verify the Edit box is enabled?
How to enter a value in Edit box ?
How to clear value in the Edit box?
How to retrive value from the Edit Box?
Difference between GetAttribute and GetText method
How to verify the Button is displayed?
How to verify the Button is enabled?
How to click on any Button?
How to handle Submit Button ?
How to verify the Checkbox is displayed?
How to verify the Checkbox is enabled?
How to verify the Checkbox is selected?
How to select the Checkbox ?
How to Unselect the Checkbox?
How to verify the Radio Button is displayed?
How to verify the Radio Button is enabled?
How to verify the Radio Button is selected?
How to select the Radio Button?
Types of Image
How to verify the Image is displayed?
How to verify the Image is enabled?
How to Click Image ?
How to get the value of the Image ?
What is Text Message?
What is positive Scenario?
What is negative Scenario?
How to verify the message is displayed?(Positive and Negative Scenario)
How to retrieve the message ?(Positive and Negative Scenario)
How to verify the Dropdown is displayed?
How to verify the Dropdown is enabled?
How to select value using SelectByVisible Method?
How to select value using SelectByValue Method?
How to select value using SelectByIndex Method?
What is findelements method?
How to display all the values in the dropdown?
What is Multiselect Dropdown?
How to select multiple values in the dropdown?
How to unselect multiple values in the dropdown?
How to unselect all values in the dropdown?
How to unselect all values in the dropdown?
How to verify the link is displayed?
How to click Iink using link text locator ?
How to click Iink using partial link text locator ?
When to use link and partial link text locator?
How to display all the links in the webpage?
What is Authentication ?
How to handle Authentication using Selenium Code?
What is Frame?
How to handle multiple frames using Index ?
How to handle multiple frames using Frame name ?
What is Actions Class?
How to Right Click on a button?
How to Double Click on a button?
How to use Tool Tips ?
How to Drag and Drop object?
Selecting Multiple Values using Mouse event
What is Mouse hover ?
How to select value from Menu List?
How to select value from SubMenu List?
What is Action Interface?
How to implement Keyboard interactions?
How to perform series of keyboard Actions?
What is Alert Popup ?
Types of Alert Popup?
How to handle Alert Box?
How to handle Confirm Alert Box?
How to handle Prompt Alert Box?
How to verify the text in Alert Popup?
How to launch Chrome Browser ?
How to launch FireFox Browser?
How to handle Multiple Browsers?
How to handle Multiple Message Windows?
How to handle Multiple Tabs?
What is Static and Dynamic WebTable?
How to Identify static Webtable ?
How to retrieve the data from Static Webtable?
How to Identify dynamic Webtable ?
How to extract all the values from dynamic webtable?
How to perform particular action in dynamic webtable?
Why Is It Important To Capture Screenshots In Selenium Testing?
How To Take A Screenshot Using Selenium Webdriver?
Importance of Apache Common io jar files
How to Identify the Date Field Dynamically ?
How to create reusable methods for selecting Dynamic Date
What is Synchronization in Automation ?
Reason for Failure
Types of Wait Statement in Selenium
How to implement Implicit Wait ?
How to implement Explicit Wait?
How to implement Fluent Wait ?
How to implement Page Load Timeout?
How to implement Thread Sleep ?
What is X Path ?
Types of X Path ?
What is Absolute Xpath?
What is Relative Xpath?
Creating xpath using Basic XPath
Creating xpath using OR and AND Operator(multiple attributes)
Creating xpath using Contains() method
Creating xpath using Starts-with function
Creating xpath using Text() method
Creating xpath using Text() and Contains() method together
Creating xpath axes methods using Following
Creating xpath axes methods using Following-sibling
Creating xpath axes methods using Parent
Creating xpath axes methods using Child
Creating xpath axes methods using Preceding
Creating xpath axes methods using Ancestor
Creating xpath axes methods using Descendant
What is a Modal Dialog Box?
Handling Modal Dialog Box using Selenium WebDriver
Scrolling on a web page using JavaScriptExecutor

Module 3 - Selenium WebDriver 4

What is W3C Standard Protocol?
Advantages of W3C Standard Protocol
Sample Automation Test Suite Demo using Selenium 3
Sample Automation Test Suite Demo using Selenium 4
Wait statement for Implicitly statement
Wait statement for Explicit statement
Wait statement for Fluent statement
Wait statement for Page Load Timeout
WebDriverManager setup for Chrome Browser
WebDriverManager setup for Firefox Browser
WebDriverManager setup for Edge Browser
WebDriverManager setup for Specific version of Browser
Overview of 8 locators
Relative locators using below method
Relative locators using above method
Relative locators using toLeftOf method
Relative locators using toRightOf method
Relative locators using near method
How to handle authentication?
How to take full page screenshot
How to use Emulate Geo Location?
How to use Emulate Device Mode?
How to Collect Performance Metrics?

Module 4 : Apache Maven Build Tool

What is Build Tool?
Problem Without Maven
Maven Setup
What is Maven?
Features of Maven
Overview on Maven - POM
Plug-In Management
What is Build Lifecycle?
What is Clean Lifecycle?
Creating Maven Project with Eclipse IDE
Build & Test Maven Project
Selenium Test Case in Maven Project
TestNG Test Case in Maven Project
POM configuration to Execute TestNG xml file
Executing Maven Project from Command Line
Executing Maven Project as .bat file

Module 5 : TestNG Framework

What is a Framework
Types of Automation Framework
What is Linear Automation Framework?
Advantages of Linear Automation Framework
Disadvantages of Linear Automation Framework
What is Modular Driven Framework?
Advantages of Modular Driven Framework
Disadvantages of Modular Driven Framework
What is Data Driven Testing Framework?
Advantages of Data Driven Testing Framework
Disadvantages of Data Driven Testing Framework
What is Keyword Driven Testing Framework?
Advantages of Keyword Driven Testing Framework
Disadvantages of Keyword Driven Testing Framework
What is Keyword Driven Testing Framework?
Advantages of Keyword Driven Testing Framework
Disadvantages of Keyword Driven Testing Framework
What is Hybrid Testing Framework?
Advantages of Hybrid Testing Framework
Disadvantages of Hybrid Testing Framework
What is Behavior Driven Development Framework?
Advantages of Behavior Driven Development Framework
Disadvantages of Behavior Driven Development Framework
What is TestNG?
Why to use TestNG ?
From where TestNG Inspired?
Who developed TestNG ?
TestNG Features and its Benefits
Installing TestNG in Eclipse
First Test Case With TestNG
What is the Execution Procedure of TestNG Program?
What are TestNG Annotations?
Types of TestNG Annotations
Why to use Annotations?
Hierarchy In TestNG Annotations
What is the Execution Sequence of @Test Annotation?
How to Sequence/Prioritize the TestNG program based on Requirement?
What will happen if Test Annotation with Same Priorities?
How to Skip/Ignore test case using enabled Parameter?
What is Hard Dependency(dependsOnMethods)?
How Single and Multiple Dependent test case works?
Sample TestNG Program for Hard Dependency(Positive Scenario)
Sample TestNG Program for Hard Dependency(Negative Scenario)
What is Soft Dependency(alwaysRun attribute)?
Sample TestNG Program for Soft Dependency(Positive Scenario)
Sample TestNG Program for Soft Dependency(Negative Scenario)
What is BeforeMethod Annotation ?
What is AfterMethod Annotation ?
Sample TestNG program using before and after method annotation
What is BeforeClass Annotation ?
What is AfterClass Annotation ?
Sample TestNG program using before and after class annotation
Importance of XML file configuration
How to execute Multiple test case(Batch Execution/Test Suite) ?
How you rerun the failed testcases using testng-failed.xml file?
How to Group the TestNG Test Cases? (Before and after Suite)
TestNG Console Report
How To Generate and View E-mailable Report In TestNG?
How To Generate Index File In TestNG?
What are Assertions in TestNG?
What is the Reporter Class in TestNG?
Sample TestNG program using Reporter Class
What is TestNG Asserts?
What is Hard Assert?
What is Soft Assert?
Sample TestNG program using Asserts
What is Cross-Browser Testing?
Why to use Cross-Browser Testing?
Sample TestNG test case for cross browser testing
What is Parallel Testing?
Why to use Parallel Testing?
Advantages of Parallel Testing
Disadvantages of Parallel Testing
Sample TestNG test case for Parallel Testing
What is Multithreading?
Sample TestNG test case for Parallel Testing and Threading Concept
What are the TestNG Parameters?
Sample TestNG program using Parameters Annotation
What are TestNG Listeners?
Types of TestNG Listeners
How to implement ITestListener in TestNG?
How to implement IReporter in TestNG?
How you rerun the failed testcases?
How you run same test for 10 times in testNG ?
How to create the properties File?
How to use property files concept in the framework
What is the Page Object Model (POM)?
Why do we need a Page Object Model?
What are the advantages of the Page Object Model?
How to implement the Page Object Model in Selenium?
What is Page Factory in Selenium?
Types of POM implementation
POM Implementation without PageFactory
POM Implementation with PageFactory
Difference between Page Factory and Fage Object Model
How to create Test data ?
How to create excel utilities?
How to read or import data from the excel sheet?
How to write or export data to the excel sheet?
Execution of multiple rows of data
What are DataProviders in TestNG?
Sample TestNG program using DataProviders Annotation
How to include Extends report to the TestNG ?
How to customize the Extends report for capturing the screenshot ?
Introduction to Log4J
Usage of Log4J

Module 6 : Hybrid Framework Training

Explanation of Hybrid framework
Executing the automation test case and understanding about the framework.
Fixing the failed test cases in the existing framework (Page Factory Model)
Adding new test case requirements to the existing framework
Debugging the failed test cases

Module 7 : PostMan API Manual Testing

Introduction to webservices
What is postman API?
PostMan API setup - Desktop version
How to create workspace in postman api?
Local host setup for webservice testing using swagger application
Sample Scenario for GET Method using XML
Sample Scenario for GET Method using JSON
Sample Scenario for POST Method using XML
Sample Scenario for POST Method using JSON
Sample Scenario for PUT Method using XML
Sample Scenario for PUT Method using JSON
Sample Scenario for PATCH Method
Sample Scenario for DELETE Method
How to do batch execution(Collections)?
How to export the collections?
How to import the collections?

Module 8: Rest Assured API Automation Testing

Prerequistie to work in RestAssured
Introduction to API Testing
What is RESTful web service?
End to end functionality of application using rest
What is POJO Class?
What is serilization ?
What is deseilization?
Types of HTTP Methods
What is Rest Assured?
Advantages of Rest Assured
Creating Maven project and adding dependency
Rest assured program for GET Method
Rest assured program for POST Method
Rest assured program for PUT Method
Rest assured program for PATCH Method
Rest assured program for DELETE Method
End to End scenario for all HTTP Methods
Reading request using JSON file
Rest assured program for GET Method using BDD
Rest assured program for POST Method using BDD
Rest assured program for PUT Method using BDD
Rest assured program for PATCH Method using BDD
Rest assured program for DELETE Method using BDD
End to End scenario for all HTTP Methods using BDD
Rest assured program for validating the response code
Rest assured program for validating the response header
Rest assured program for measuring the response time
Types of Authentication
Rest assured program for handling authentication
Rest assured program for validating the response body

Module 9 - Git and GitHub

What is GitHub?
Advantages and Features of GitHub
GitHub vs Git
Creating GitHub Account
Creating GitHub Repository
Clone Github Repository in Eclipse
Committing the code to Github
Pull the code from Github
Repository settings in Github

Module 10- DevOps and Jenkins

What is DevOps?
Why DevOps is Needed?
DevOps Architecture
DevOps Advantages
DevOps Disadvantages
What is Continuous Integration?
What is Continuous Testing?
What is Continuous Deployment?
What is Continuous Delivery?
What is Jenkins?
Jenkins Installation
Apache Maven Setup
Jenkins Configuration
Source Code Management
Build Triggers
Build Environment
Pre Steps
Post Steps
E-mail Notification
Post Build
Creating Freestyle Project and execute it
Creating Maven Project and executing it
Github and Jenkins Integration
Execution on Maven Project manually
Execution on Maven Project using Periodically
Execution on Maven Project using Poll SCM
Publishing the Reports
Creating the CI CD pipeline