Comparison and Logical Operators
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Comparison and Logical Operators
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Python - Debugging
Comparison or Relational Operators
Comparison operators are used to compare values. It either returns True or False according to the condition.

# Sample code for Comparison Operators a = 20 b = 10 # Greater Than print('{} > {} is'.format(a,b),a>b) # Less Than print('{} < {} is'.format(a,b),a<b) # Equal To print('{} == {} is'.format(a,b),a==b) # Not Equal To print('{} != {} is'.format(a,b),a!=b) # Greater than or equal to print('{} >= {} is'.format(a,b),a>=b) # Less than or equal to print('{} <= {} is'.format(a,b),a<=b)
Output: 20 > 10 is True 20 < 10 is False 20 == 10 is False 20 != 10 is True 20 >= 10 is True 20 <= 10 is False
Logical Operators in Python

# Sample code for Logical Operators a = True b = False x = 50 y= 100 # 'and' Operator print('a and b is',a and b) print(x==y and x < y) # 'or' Operator print('a or b is',a or b) print(x==y or x < y) # 'not' Operator print('not a is',not a) print(not x==y) print(not x < y)
Output: a and b is False False ******************** a or b is True True ******************** not a is False True False