Python Installation

Which is best Python IDE ?

IDE means Integrated Development Environment. We have many python IDE tools, each tool is having their own merits and demerits. But my criteria is, both the beginners and advanced user should feel easy to use the Python IDE.

Hence, Python 3, Anaconda package and Jupyter IDE will be the best combination to learn python easily.

Anaconda is a package manager, an environment manager, a Python distribution, and a collection of over 1,500+ open source packages. Anaconda is free and easy to install

Installation Steps

Step 1 : Checking Python is installed or not.

  • Search "Command Prompt" and open it

  • Type "python" in Command Prompt and press Enter key
  • If 'python' is not recognized... message is displayed. It means python is not available.

  • Step 2 : Python Installation.

  • Navigate to the mentioned URL: ""
  • Depends on your operating system(Windows/Mac/Linux). Click on respective link and download the latest python version

  • Note: Initially Python V 2.7 was widely used. Now Python V 3 was released with many updates likes syntax changes , print function , Division operator, xrange, Error Handling etc. We will be using Python 3.

  • Move the downloaded file to C Drive(Good practice)
  • Right click on the Python file and Click "Run as administrator"

  • Select "Add Python 3.7 to PATH" and click on "Install Now"

  • Installation is started. Wait till it completes

  • Python Installation is successful. Click on "Close"

  • Step 3 : Verifying the Python Installation.

  • Type "python" in the command Prompt and press Enter key
  • Python Installed version message will be displayed as below.

  • Note: We can also execute python code in command Prompt as displayed below.

  • Step 4 : Anaconda Installation.

  • Navigate to the mentioned URL: ""
  • Scroll Down or Click on "Download"

  • Depends on your operating system(Windows/Mac/Linux). Click on respective link
  • Download the latest Python 3.7 version as per your system type(32/64-Bit)
  • Follow step 5 to find your system type(32/64-Bit).

  • Step 5 : To find your system type(32/64-bit)

  • Search "This PC" or "My Computer"
  • Right click on it and select "Properties"

  • System type can be found as highlight below. In this example it is 64 bit.
  • Now Download the Python 3.7 version for 64 bit

  • Move the downloaded file to C Drive(Good practice)
  • Right click on the Anaconda file and Click "Run as administrator"

  • Installation Wizard is opened. Click on Next"

  • Click on I Agree"

  • Click on Next"

  • Click on Next"

  • Select "Add Anaconda to the System PATH environment Variable"
  • Click on "Install"

  • Installation is started. Wait till it completes
  • Note: It took 30 minutes for 4GB Ram.

  • Anaconda Installation is successful. Click on "Next"

  • Click on "Skip"

  • Click on "Finish"