Python Strings Operations and Methods
Python Basics
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Identifiers & Reserved Keywords
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Python Operators
Python Operators and Arithmetic Operators
Comparison and Logical Operators
Assignment and Bitwise Operators
Identity and Membership Operators
Python Flow Control
if else if else statement
While Loop Statement
Python For Loop
Break and Continue Statement
Python Data Types
Python Strings
Python Strings Methods
Python Lists
Python Tuples
Python Dictionary
Python Functions
Introduction to Python Functions
Function Arguments
Recursion Function
Lambda/Anonymous Function
Python - Modules
Python Files
Python - Files I/O
Python - Exceptions Handling
Python - Debugging
String Operations
Concatenation of Two or More Strings
#Sample Code s1 = "Hello " s2 = "Anand " #concatenation of 2 strings print(s1 + s2) #repeat string n times print(s2 * 3) Output: Hello Anand Anand Anand Anand
ord() and chr() Functions
# ord() – function returns the ASCII code of the character. ch = 'b' print(ord(ch)) Output: 98
# chr() – function returns character represented by a ASCII number. print(chr(97)) print(chr(65)) print(chr(98)) Output: a A b
String Comparison
#Sample Code for String Comparison print("Python" == "Python") print("PYTHON" == "Python") print("PYTHON" != "Java") print("Python" > "PYTHON") print("Python" < "PYTHON") print("Python" >= "PYTHON") print("Python" <= "PYTHON") Output: True False True True False True False
String Membership Operator
# Sample Code for 'in' operator Str1 = "All the best" print('best' in Str1) # Sample Code for 'not in' operator str2 = "Happy Learning" print('sad' not in str2) Output: True True
Iterating String using for loop
# Program to print each character of a string for x in "python": print(x) Output: p y t h o n
String Functions or Methods
1. strip() method removes any whitespace from the beginning or the end
str1 = " Welcome to Python Session " print(str1) # Printing with Space print(str1.strip()) # Printing without Space Output: Welcome to Python Session Welcome to Python Session
2. len() method returns the length of a string
str2 = "Python String Length" print('Length of String is ',len(str2)) Output: Length of String is 20
3. lower() method returns the string in lower case
str3 = "WELCOME" print(str3.lower()) Output: welcome
4. islower() method check whether string is in lower case of not.
str4 = "welcome" print(str4.islower()) Output: True
5. upper() method returns the string in upper case
str5 = "welcome" print(str5.upper()) Output: WELCOME
6. isUpper() method check whether string is in upper case of not.
str6 = "WELCOME" print(str6.isupper()) Output: True
7. isalpha() method check Checks if All Characters are Alphabets
str9 = "Python" str10 = "Python123" str11 = "123" str12 = "Python123@#@#" print(str9.isalpha()) print(str10.isalpha()) print(str11.isalpha()) print(str12.isalpha()) Output: True False False False
8. isdigit() method check whether string is Checks Digit Characters
str9 = "Python" str10 = "Python123" str11 = "123" str12 = "Python123@#@#" print(str9.isdigit()) print(str10.isdigit()) print(str11.isdigit()) print(str12.isdigit()) Output: False False True False
9. isalnum() method check whether string is Checks Alphanumeric Character
str9 = "Python" str10 = "Python123" str11 = "123" str12 = "Python123@#@#" print(str9.isalnum()) print(str10.isalnum()) print(str11.isalnum()) print(str12.isalnum()) Output: True True True False
10. count() method returns the number of occurrences of a substring in the given string.
string = "Python is easy to learn.This" string = "Python is easy to learn. This is also called as easy programming language" substring = "is" count = string.count(substring) # print count print("The count is:", count) Output: The count is: 2
11. join() method returns a string concatenated with the elements of an iterable.
string1 = '-' string2 = '123456' print('string1.join(string2):', string1.join(string2)) Output: string1.join(string2): 1-2-3-4-5-6
12. split() method breaks up a string at the specified separator and returns a list of strings.
# splits at space str1= 'Welcome to Python Class' print(str1.split()) # splits at ',' str2 = "Vinoth,Anand,Santhosh,Raghul" # splits at ',' print(str2.split(',')) # splits at ':' str3 = "121212121:1212121:21434322434:4234234" print(str3.split(':')) Output: ['Welcome', 'to', 'Python', 'Class'] ['Vinoth', 'Anand', 'Santhosh', 'Raghul'] ['121212121', '1212121', '21434322434', '4234234']
13. find() method returns the index of first occurrence of the substring (if found). '
If not found, it returns -1.
str = 'Do you like programming?' print("Substring 'like' at index':", str.find('like')) Output: Substring 'like' at index': 7
14. replace() method returns a copy of the string where all occurrences of a substring is replaced with another substring.
# Character replacement fruit = 'Appla' print (fruit.replace('a', 'e')) # String replacement color = 'red, rose, greeen , yellow, rose' print (color.replace('rose', 'blue')) # The original string is unchanged print ('Original string:', fruit) print ('Replaced string:', fruit.replace('a', 'e')) Output: Apple red, blue, greeen , yellow, blue Original string: Appla Replaced string: Apple
15. sorted() method returns a sorted list from the given iterable.
String = 'dzsewkitng' print(sorted(String)) Output: ['d', 'e', 'g', 'i', 'k', 'n', 's', 't', 'w', 'z']
16. startswith() method returns True if a string starts with the specified prefix.
If not, it returns False.
text = "Python is easy to learn" print(text.startswith("Python")) Output: True
17. endswith() method returns True if a string ends with the specified suffix.
If not, it returns False.
text = "Python is easy to learn" print(text.endswith("learn")) Output: True